Monday, July 13, 2009

Ive been feeling a little blue the last few days. i dont know if its the sudden change in weather or if its just life. I have a few small challenges in my life right now but for some reason i seem to make them big. or are they big and im trying to make them less big. either way they really a have me in a funk. I look at my life and think i have such a beautiful blessed life. I have a husband who loves me unconditionally and would do anything for me, i have a  beautiful house and garden, im healthy, have great friends. what could be wrong. why am i so blue. why dont i know how to be truly happy and free and open to all the possibilities in the world. instead i try to control everything and when i cant i get frustrated. How does one learn to let go. let the little things go, just be, just be in the moment ,smell, see, hear, take it all in. at what point in my great life did i get to be so closed off and hard, or have i alway been this way and some days it just seeps out to the front office, I know everyone deals with life on a day to day basis and my problems are so irrelevant compared to so many others in my life and in the world. how does one just see things and relish in the sheer fact of it beauty? How do i just Be?


  1. How do you just be...that is a question I ask myself many a times, J.

    I think we all struggle with that. The thing is, not too many people talk about it. And very few go public with these feelings.

    Only the brave will verbalize it...

    Having this said, I want you to know that you are a very special lady in my life and in the life of so many others.

    Hang in there, Jenni dear...

  2. Jenni,
    I love you I love you I love you
