Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Boots Boots and more Boots!

First off i have to say im probably the worst blogger in the world because i started this blog than summer happened to me. I have been so busy that on the days i don,t have anything going on i constantly worry that im supposed to be somewhere that i have forgotten about. Yes it is no excuse but it really doesn't leave much time for inspiration or sharing. but alas here i am just touching base with the world. 
Yesterday and today it has been raining in portland and i am so surprised at how much Portlanders love there cool weather. this morning i saw women everywhere in wool coats and boots even tights. what the heck i feel like its a little much. I mean really its still august and its still 75 + degrees outside. ill admit it i even looked at my boots yesterday. i prefer fall clothing and fashion to summer any day and i think thats how most of maybe ill go so far as to say most of the pacific northwest is. We love cozy sweaters, jeans, and a great pair of boots. Boots make the world a better place. im of the mind that the more boots you have the better your life is. Most people would like to  follow my way of thinking  but i understand they just cant justify it. so many people think they can only have "the one" pair of boots what pressure to not only be putting on a boot but to put on yourself. I am here to tell you that you will never find "the one" that is unless you have only one kind of emotion. Most of us have many many emotions and  you need boots for all those different emotional outfits. somedays im a vintage cowboy boot girl, somedays im a cydwoq city girl and than somedays im a equestrian girl i have boots for all my personalities. Just remember boots last for years and years if you are willing to spend good money on them and if you take good care of them they will last you many many years. one of my favorite pairs of boots will be on its 11th fall season this year. know thats a good pair of italian boots.