Saturday, February 6, 2010


Some how i came across this woman's sites and have fallen in love with this sheep i must have him. He couldn't be any more perfect for me a sheep in a coat with a heart necklace on. i think it must be me in a previous life. Please take the time and look at Lisa Congdons sites. She also has a store in San Fran that im hoping to visit. enjoy cheers !

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Going to Cali!

Tomorrow im going to Alameda California, it is just outside of San Francisco, to visit my big sister. I cant wait! My BiG bag is packed, my boarding pass is printed and lots of plans are made. While im visiting we are planning a trip to this flea market which has been on my list for years im hoping i don't get to overwhelmed and find a little inspiration. Until next time cheers!

Monday, February 1, 2010